Analyzing the overall health of an organization is an essential process for navigating in the right the direction.
No matter the industry, size, or organization structure, the strategic planning cycle must be adaptable based on the many internal and external factors.
Reflecting on the organization’s overall annual health & strategic plan is Step #7 of the Hoshin Kanri planning process. As a social media first organization, Twitter measures’ the health of their organization in very unique way.
In 2019, Twitter Corporation did over $3.5 Billion + dollars in revenue, with 330+ million users and 500+ million tweets sent out every single day. Their business model involves complex external users and advertisers, enabled to have public conversations to market their voice / brand. Twitter Corporation has to continuously align their internal stakeholders with these unique external factors, on a tweet by tweet basis.
Internal - Employees, Partners, Vendors, Community.
External - Trolls, Hackers, Users, Clients, Advertisers.
“We continued to make progress on health. In Q4, we increased our efforts to protect the integrity of election-related conversations and proactively limit the visibility of unhealthy content on Twitter, resulting in a 27% decline in bystander reports on Tweets that violate our terms of service.” (Twitter Corporation, 2019)
“Health” was mentioned 8 times in its shareholder letter - more than “Profit”. To Twitter, healthy means fewer trolls, less fake news, less nonsense. Its newly aggressive focus on "health" could set it apart from the rest of social media. Now, for Hoshin Kanri purists, we agree this isn’t the traditional industry to analyze the annual performance review. Although, the principle is very much relatable.
Social media platforms are essential for modern communication strategies whether you’re participating as a user, a troll or a business. Twitter is fast-paced, concise, and an easy way to connect with audiences. The urgency to manage the volatility of all these factors is at an all time high today. Twitter should continue to monitor the internal and external annual “health” for long term sustainability in the ever changing world of social media.
The 7 Steps in the Hoshin Kanri Planning Process
Rolling out HoshinCloud at scale for your organization
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Twitter Annual Report - https://s22.q4cdn.com/826641620/files/doc_financials/2019/q4/Q4-2019-Shareholder-Letter.pdf