Advanced functionalities yet very intuitive, easy to use, social networking style user interface.
Key performance indicators and bowler charts. Interactive charts for the kpi tracking.
Users can update their tasks independently and that automatically updates all of the hoshin-kanri documents like X-Charts and Project plans.
Automated X Charts. Policy Deployment Level 1 (PD1) and Level 2 (PD2) can be updated online.
Special "Grid View" added for easy visualization of PD1 an PD2.
Planning Matrix Dashboard. Shows all types of projects like corporate or local hoshins and it's status in one place.
Planning Matrix - Task level details and resource allocation in a central location. Users can view it anytime on a web browser. No Microsoft project or excel needed.
Keeps everyone up to speed on what is happening in the organization at all times. No need to wait till monthly or quarterly meetings to see the status.
Email alerts for tasks - assignments and follow-up.
Software as a service - Nothing to install and maintain. No special IT resources or hardware needed. Most LEAN way of taking advantage of the software technology.
We guarantee highest level of data and connection security using SSL certificates.
PDF printing and Excel data export features are provided as needed.
Powerful "meeting manager" features are built in to HoshinOnline for free. You can document your review meetings, agenda items, roll call, action items and even upload files for meetings. This will help to run effective hoshin review meetings.
Time tested "KANBAN" features (drag-able visual cards) has been built in to HoshinOnline.. Bottlenecks are made visible early in the process it-self and there by better and more effective project management is possible using HoshinOnline.
Easy to use and effective project management tools are built in to HoshinOnline. Timeline is another important feature in HoshinOnline so that you can get a lot more out of HOL system than that you put in. Also, Timeline review keeps the team motivated in the continuous improvement process.