Mitsubishi Corporation is a global diversified operation with offices in approximately 90+ countries, a network of around 1,400 group companies, and 64,000 employees.
In Mitsubishi’s latest Midterm Corporate Strategy 2021 report, they are on a quest to revamp their performance management & reviews to:
► Ensure People are headed in the right Direction
► Drive a systematic Process for safeguarding the Alignment
► Adopt the correct software Technology for organized Communication
🌐 Business unit portfolio includes: Natural Gas, Industrial Materials, Petroleum & Chemical, Minerals & Mining, Automotive, Power Solutions, Consumer & Industrial products + many more…
For their goal deployment to work at the highest level, management must dynamically monitor the business performance of every step in the goal break down. While simultaneously giving a strong overall performance assessments. This back-and-forth-side-by-side process allows leadership to continuously monitor metrics to regularly engage with their teams and discuss progress in meeting the targets in the most efficient manner. Business Performance rests on the simple principle “what gets measured gets done.”
Utilizing a business performance review system with real-time accurate data and measures is a no brainer.
Mitsubishi is reforming the business excellence system for the first time in some 20 years. The elements of working corporate development and excellence systems are simple, but integrating them into a business’s fundamental goal deployment system is more difficult without the proper integrated tool. HoshinCloud software accelerates your Goal Deployment through team based Business Performance Review’s - Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually - in one unified enterprise software experience.
Mitsubishi Corporation is investing in growing - globally - by building a culture around quality performance, so teams are navigating in the same direction. Implementing a systematic performance review cycle for enterprise size organizations is a core principle for long term sustainability.
The 7 Steps in the Hoshin Kanri Planning Process
Rolling out HoshinCloud at scale for your organization
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