Here are 8 advantages of HoshinCloud vs the manual method of trying to keep track of your strategy execution using basic excel or other software:
1. One version of truth
Version control is a pain with old plain Excel method. Duplicate copies of Excel documents will be sitting in emails and other folders.
2. Last modified by and Last modified date and time
In Excel there is limited capability to track who changed what and when.
3. Automatic Alerts.
Using MS Excel for strategy execution, you don't have Email alerts and other project management features like follow up alerts.
4. Purpose built - SaaS.
Accessibility from anywhere using any device. You can access and update tasks using mobile phone from anywhere with internet connection.
5. Easy documentation.
One of the major challenges of implementing Hoshin Kanri or any Policy Deployment principle is weak documentation. HoshinCloud automatically maintains all hoshin documents in sync and updated at all the times. (PD1, PD2, PM1 etc).
6. Everything you need for strategy execution in one place. KPI, Bowler charts, Dashboard and metrics.
7. Reduces the overhead.
Each user is enabled to update their own documentation, saves time and effort required to keep track of initiatives/projects.
8. Social and modern.
Within our current customer base, HoshinCloud has proven to be more effective than Excel based offline approach due to social networking style of user engagement and collaboration.